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~On average a person consumes 11.4kg of apparel each year~


~30% of clothing in the average UK wardrobe has not been worn in the past year or so. This equates to around 1.7 billion items of clothing not been worn for at least a year~


~The carbon emissions generated by the clothing of the average UK household is equivalent to driving an average modern car 6,000 miles~


~Clothing production doubled from 2000 to 2014~


~In Pakistan’s garment sector, 87% of women are paid less than the minimum wage~


~Approximately 8,000 synthetic chemicals are used throughout the world to turn raw materials into textiles~


~Making one kilogram of fabric generates an average of 23 kilograms of greenhouse gases~


~It takes about 170,000 litres of water to grow a kilogram of wool~


~Each year 1.3 trillion gallons of water is used for fabric dyeing alone~


~Of the 2,400 substances used in clothing manufacturing, researchers found that approximately 30% of the identified substances posed a risk to human health~


~Americans throw away a total of 14 million tonnes of textiles each year~





Statistics: Inner_about

Analysis of Stats

As shown above, there are a multitude of statistics. It is shown that "approximately 8,000 synthetic chemicals are used throughout the world to turn raw materials into textiles" while "Americans throw away a total of 14 million tonnes of textiles each year". When these two statistics are looked at together, it is blatantly obvious the environment will be harmed greatly from the amount of waste people produce from apparel alone.

Statistics: Inner_about
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